Legal declaration

This website is created, operated and maintained by Zhejiang CINA LASER Tech. Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘CINA LASER’). Anyone who enters this website, reads any content, downloads any materials from this website or uses the materials provided by this website agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions. These terms constitute the agreement between ‘CINA LASER’ and you. Do not use this website unless you agree to abide by these terms. ‘CINA LASER’ reserves the right to update, correct and modify the following terms at any time without notice. These updates will also bind you. At any time and under any circumstances, ‘CINA LASER’ has the right to refuse any user to enter and use this website.


This website will not bear any legal liability for any accident, negligence, agreement destruction, slander, infection with computer virus, copyright or other intellectual property disputes and losses caused by the use of this website or any other website or webpage connected with this website. This website prohibits users from sending or transmitting any illegal threatening, slandering, defamatory, pornographic content or other materials in violation of the law.

‘CINA LASER’ does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of any materials and information contained in this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or third-party links, and expressly disclaims responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials and contents, Nor does it make any express or implied warranty about these materials and contents.

This website may contain links to other independent third-party websites. These website links are only provided for the convenience of users of this website. The websites related to these links are not controlled by ‘CINA LASER’. ‘CINA LASER’ does not recognize or be responsible for the information and content published by these websites. Users of this website need to make their own independent judgment on whether or how to use these websites.

 Copyright statement

The copyright of all contents of this website belongs to ‘CINA LASER’ or licensor, and is protected by relevant laws and regulations including but not limited to the copyright law of the people's Republic of China and international treaties.

"This website" and any content therein, including but not limited to text, pictures, videos, data, opinions, suggestions, designs, signs, color schemes, graphic styles, etc. (collectively referred to as "copyright works"), are only for your personal use.

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‘CINA LASER’ respects and strictly abides by the copyright law. Similarly, ‘CINA LASER’ also hopes that all customers using this website will respect and strictly abide by the copyright law. If you infringe the rights of ‘CINA LASER’ or relevant licensors involving any "copyright works", you will be required to stop such illegal activities and bear full responsibility for any and all losses (including attorney's fees) caused by ‘CINA LASER’ or relevant licensors or caused by infringement.

 Privacy statement

We respect the privacy of users. We do not collect users' information without their consent. We promise not to disclose the user name, e-mail, information and address to any third party without the written permission of the user.

‘CINA LASER’ will not disclose any information provided by users on this website, except for the following circumstances:

1. Obtain the written authorization of the user in advance;
2. According to mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements;
3. According to the requirements of laws and regulations.

If users want to use the services that can only be provided after registering on this website, they should agree to the following matters: provide your own true, correct, up-to-date and complete information according to the tips of this website, and update the registration information at any time to ensure that it is true, correct, up-to-date and complete information. If you provide any wrong, untrue, outdated or incomplete or misleading information, or if the website has reason to suspect that the above information is wrong, untrue, outdated or incomplete or misleading, the website has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you to use all or any part of the services provided by the website now and in the future.


 1A, Building1, 7 Xiyuan Rd, Hangzhou 310030, China  +86(0571)86992687 © 2024 CINA LASER All rights reserved
